Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology > The Ninth JKUAT Scientific, Technological and Industrialization Conference
The Ninth JKUAT Scientific, Technological and Industrialization Conference
DATES: 13th- 14th November 2014
JKUAT, in realisation of its important role in enhancement of science and technology, and to complement the national efforts to achieve economic growth in line with its vision of becoming a university of global excellence in training, research and innovation for development, has organised the Annual Scientific, Technological and Industrialisation Conference since the year 2005, that has continually drawn participation from around the globe.
The objectives of the conference are to:
(i) Provide a forum through which the University will disseminate the ongoing contributions it is making to the society.
(ii) Create a forum for constantly improving the University’s approach to development-oriented scientific research, as it strives to remain a leader in this area.
(iii) Provide a forum for research peers from local and international institutions to discuss, share and publish vital information.
(iv) Provide an opportunity for the industry to interact with researchers and innovators through exhibitions.
(v) Provoke policy makers to appreciate the need for substantial and long-term investments in scientific research, innovation and industrialization.
The sub-themes for the conference are:
1. Basic and applied sciences for advancement of research and industrialization.
2. Advances in human and animal health sciences.
3. Engineering technologies, built environment and infrastructure for industrialization.
4. Information and communication technology for development
5. Policy, governance, entrepreneurship, cultural and socio-economic aspects for competitive advantage.
6. Innovative agricultural sciences, technologies and global networking for sustainable food production and security.
JKUAT Scientific, Technological and Industrialization Conference: THEME: Science, Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development