The main aim of the study was to determine the various interventions that influence the youth
entrepreneurs towards the Youth Enterprise Development Fund and their role in attracting the youth
towards the Youth Enterprise Development Fund. It focused on youth who have benefitted from
the fund either to enhance their existing businesses or to start new businesses. The study will only
cover only YEDF beneficiaries in Gatundu district, Kenya.
The research utilized personal interviews, questionnaires, and observations to collect data from the
respondents. Stratified random sampling technique was used to draw the sample. This method
helps improve the representation of each strata (groups) within the population, as well as ensuring
that these strata are not over-represented
The data was subjected to descriptive statistical analysis, and the results represented in graphs,
tables and pie charts among others. The results from this study have provided an insight in the
intervention programmes in the Youth Enterprise Development Fund.