This study sought to; determine levels of income generated from Solid Waste Management (SWM) practices,
assess contribution of the income to participating households’ (HHs) socio-economics and make policy
recommendations to exploit existing potential in SWM practices. 121 HHs were surveyed from five phases of
Dandora, Kenya. Respondents were selected through systematic sampling by phase. Relationships between SWM
practices and household socioeconomic factors were established through descriptive analysis and correlations.
Findings showed SWM practices had positive influence on socioeconomic lives of participants. Mean monthly
income from SWM practices (Collection and Disposal, Recycling, and Minimization) were KShs 15941.28/=, KShs
16170.45/= and KShs 9467.50/= per household respectively. Total income of KShs 102,481,259/= per month from
SWM Practices for the 6800HHs under study, contributed 82.47% of the total HH socioeconomic expenditure
which included but not limited to education, food, health and housing expenses. These expenses constituted 55%,
21%, 18%, and 5% of total income respectively implying that HHs had other sources of income to supplement
income from SWM practices. Correlation between total income and total expenses revealed a weak but positive
correlation (r=0.389, at p=0.01) that was significant. The researcher recommends separation of waste at household
level for easier collection, disposal and recycling; regular waste collection to avoid creation of mini-dumps in
residential areas; and support for research and popularization of adoption of appropriate and low cost SWM
technologies locally available to reduce handling cost of recyclable waste. Due to pollution of water supplied to
HHs by leachate water from waste dumps, a separate cell should be provided at the sanitary landfill for the ashes
of incinerated hazardous wastes and composting of solid waste at household level especially by those farming to
generate organic manure for organic farming. The government should develop and implement policies that outline
practical approaches to SWM practices.