A four-year field experiment was conducted to under
stand the characters of nutrient
accumulation and distribution in maize under differ
ent yield levels, so as to provide
scientific guidance for effective utilization of mi
neral fertilizers, and eventually for high
yield of spring maize. The grain yield, nutrient (n
itrogen, phosphorous, potassium)
accumulation and uptake efficiency were evaluated u
nder different agronomic
managements and nitrogen application treatments. Th
e data showed that the two-year
average grain yield under high Yield Management (HY
) was significantly increased by
35.3% as compared with Traditional Farming manageme
nt (FP). Interestingly, the
increased range of grain yield may be associated wi
th harvest ear numbers, indicating
that high planting density could lead to high maize
production. Moreover, the total
amounts of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium in m
aize significantly increased and the
ratio of accumulation after flowering was also impr
oved under HY management. Our
results suggested that the high grain yield and nut
rient use efficiency would ultimately be
achieved through integrating and optimizing high yi
eld cultivation techniques, which not
only improve biomass and harvest index, but also pr
omote the growth and nutrient
accumulation of maize.
Cultivation pattern, N level, Nutrition, Spring mai