This paper presents a review of the marine propeller performance. Currently, water transport is very important and for that marine engines performance is necessary. The use of high-speed boats is increasing because of the population and navy security demands. Propeller blade cavitation, high fuel consumption, and high power absorption are the problems that threaten the life of the high-speed boat. Blade cavitation is caused by the disturbance of the water at the leading edge. The propeller blade cavitation affects the outboard propeller performance and leads to the induced vibration, erosion and excess noise of high-speed boats. There are several ways to decrease the blade cavitation, fuel and power consumption of outboard engine running the high-speed boats. Improvement of the propeller performance of an outboard engine is a possible
solution for reducing the propeller blade cavitation, high fuel, and power consumption. This study reviews parameters that affect the marine propeller performance, blade cavitation development and its reduction, and improvement in propeller performance of the high-speed boats running on the outboard engine.
Keywords—High-speed boat, Marine Propeller performance, Propulsion system, Outboard engine
Proceedings of the Sustainable Research and Innovation Conference, JKUAT Main Campus, Kenya 2 - 4 May, 2018