Distribution network systems face many problems, mostly of enormous power losses compared to the rest of the network, which lead to poor performance and degradation of the system and components. For maximum benefit of distributed generation (DG), optimal placement and sizing integrated in the radial distribution system has to be performed to obtain minimum power losses and improve the voltage profile of the system. The contribution of optimum network reconfiguration has greatly benefited in effective power loss reduction. The changes in network topology alters the current flowing through the line and the resistive losses. To solve network reconfiguration problems in radial distribution systems, strategic optimal network reconfiguration which
can minimize power losses while maintaining the operating constraints is used to review various optimization techniques.
Keywords—Network reconfiguration, Power loss reduction, Radial distribution system, Optimization techniques.
Proceedings of the Sustainable Research and Innovation Conference, JKUAT Main Campus, Kenya 2 - 4 May, 2018