Towards Enhancement of JKUAT-PAUSTI Research and Innovation Capacity

Show simple item record Prof. Sila, Daniel Ndaka Prof. Koaze, Hiroshi 2025-02-08T11:29:56Z 2025-02-08T11:29:56Z 2025-02-07
dc.identifier.citation NdakaDS2022 en_US
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost/xmlui/handle/123456789/6603
dc.description Abstracts of Scientific Publications: April 2020 to Februry 2022, April 2022 en_US
dc.description.abstract The presence of antinutrients in common beans negatively affects mineral bioavailability. Therefore, this study aimed to predict the antinutrient to mineral molar ratios (proxy-indicators of in vitro mineral bioavailability) of a wide range of raw bean types, using near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy. Iron, zinc, phytate and tannin concentrations and, antinutrient to mineral molar ratios were determined. Next, model calibration using NIR spectra from milled beans was performed. This entailed wavelength selection, pre-processing and partial least squares regression. Bean type had a significant effect on tannin content. The average values of phytate to iron (Phy:Fe), phytate to zinc (Phy:Zn), tannins to iron (Tan:Fe) and phytate and tannins to iron (Phy + Tan:Fe) MRs were 27.6,61.7, 16.0 and 43.6, respectively. With determination coefficients for test set prediction above 75%, the PLS-R models for Phy:Zn, Tan:Fe and Phy + Tan:Fe molar ratios are useful for screening purposes. Key Words: Common beans, Near-infrared spectroscopy, Antinutrients, Minerals, Molar ratios en_US
dc.description.sponsorship Prof. Daniel Ndaka Sila Prof. Koaze Hiroshi en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher JKUAT-COETEC en_US
dc.subject Common beans en_US
dc.subject Near-infrared spectroscopy en_US
dc.subject Antinutrients en_US
dc.subject Minerals en_US
dc.subject Molar ratios en_US
dc.title Towards Enhancement of JKUAT-PAUSTI Research and Innovation Capacity en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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