Contract framework is an instrument by which a procuring entity commits to procuring goods and services from a vendor or service provider at the agreed unit price and quality through the issuance of purchase orders depending on the entity’s needs and funding availability. The vendor or service provider, for its part, commits to supply the goods or provide the services in the quantity requested on the purchase orders. Referral services level comprises facilities that provide highly specialized services and includes all tertiary referral facilities. with the current decentralization in health service sector, the County Government have public level four hospitals in Kenya provide complex curative tertiary care. The management contract is a method which uses private sector for major government projects like Hospitals. Inadequate planning and forecasting, use of archaic procurement methods, and tendering yearly or multiple times a year contribute to high commodity costs, long lead times, stock imbalances, and, overall, commodity insecurity. Indeed, across all WHO regions, the mean availability of selected medicines is consistently lower in the public sector than in the private sector. The general objective of the study was to establish the influence of contract framework on supply chain performance of public level four hospitals in Kenya. specify objectives of the study are to establish the effect of contract relationship framework, to determine the influence contract quantity frameworks, to find out the effect of contract evaluation framework management, to establish the effect of contract service framework and to analyze the moderating effects of procurement legal framework on supply chain performance contracting of public level four hospitals in Kenya. The population for the study were 270 Public level four hospitals in Kenya. A collection of observations presenting only a portion of the population is called a sample the population of this study constituted 270 of officers in Public level four hospitals in Kenya in all the 47 counties in Kenya The sample frame was public level four hospital, with officers who are assigned responsibilities to procure, dispense drugs and handle drugs that included pharmacists and pharmacy technologist’s public health officers, procurement officers, drugs store, dentists and doctors.The involvement of suppliers for innovation in Public level four hospitals in Kenya has been a reality for many years. The study concluded that Contract Service Framework for Public level four hospitals in Kenya definition of what is considered acceptable performance to determine whether performance outcomes are met. Quality control plan: a written document describing how the supplier’s actual performance will be monitored and measured against the contractually established performance standards. The study recommends that Contract Quantity Frameworks framework agreements save the time and cost of a sourcing process as they avoid the need to renegotiate standard terms and conditions. For purchases over long period, such arrangements contribute to improved relationships between buyers and sellers, whereby they work together to deliver customized solutions that better meet the needs of both parties.